Thursday, March 13, 2008

Politicians and Big Business are ruining my country. I know, this sounds like sour grapes, but guess what, it's true.

Republicans seem bent on proving that our form of government is broken, and when elected, prove it, to the detriment of its citizens.

While using outright fraud and deception, they will smear any person willing to help keep our government, "of, by, and for the people.

Democrats, while claiming to be for the people, end up supporting big business, in ways that to the citizens, seem to support them, but in reality, chip away at the very fabric of American life.

As oil rises to record prices, we are told it's because of the world demand for energy, which is bullshit. The real reason is because our government, in essentially all phases of lawmaking, have seen fit to spend billions of future tax revenue on a war in Iraq, based on outright lies, and inuendo. All the while giving tax breaks to the most successful energy companies in the world. Nevermind that they are also reporting the highest profits, ever.

Under the guise of defending America from terrorists, this government has systematically taken the American way of life and squandered it for corporate profits unheard of in our lifetimes.

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