Sunday, July 29, 2007

Marijuana review debunked

The article in the Wisconsin State Journal, on July 27 titled; "Review: Marijuana use might increase slight risk of psychosis,"by Marci Cheng, only goes to prove the old addage"You can make statistics say what ever you want."

This article examined 35 studies, which tracked "tens of thousands", some dating 27 years, to examine the effect of marijuana on mental health. The conclusions reached claimed an increased psychosis of from 50% to 200%.

Yet, the very next paragraph states, "Scientists cannot rule out that existing conditions could have led to both marijuana use and later psychosis," and they cannot rule it in.

In the next paragraph it goes even further off the wall, when it quotes, "Experts are now agreed on the connection between cannabis and psychosis." Quite a leap.

The story ends with a paragraph having to disclose the money ties with the makers of antipsychotic medications, along with paid attendance to advisory councils, also funded by drug companies.

The real reason for more people with psychosis or physical ailments doing marijuana for pain relief is the street dealers don't require you to make an appointment with a medical professional before filling the "prescription."

People who are psychotic, eventually are on the lowest rung of the health care and social setting, thus being the perfect candidates for sales by the local, unregulated, no questions asked drug dealers. Do you think this man, this dealer has scruples? How do you think a psychotic person on angel dust or heroine might be? Do you think this dealer will care?

Studies done by, or paid for by vested intrests should always be suspect, for the obvious monetary benefits used to produce it.

The only sensible way to control marijuana, so our children are at least as insulated from it as alchohol, and cigarettes is to control the sale and distribution of this product. And, of course, the only way to do that is to legalize and sell in liquor stores, etc. It would be at least as controlled as alchohol and cigarettes are, and a lot harder for kids to get than just going to the right street corner.

All in all, it's the same kind of gobbledygook the drug companies have been trying to peddle for years. And still anecdotal evidence proves marijuana to be a beneficial drug as well as a safe recreational drug, certainly safer than either alchohol or cigarettes.

I wonder how many psychotic alchoholics are out there?